When I grow up, I want to take photos like Sarah Moon! I had a glimpse at her new book titled Sarah Moon 1,2,3,4,5. and it is exquisite. A photographic retrospective bundled up into five individual editions and enclosed in a grey box. Classic beautiful emotional - Sarah Moon at her best. These are a few of the images of Polaroid images.
Although I live on the opposite side of the world my heart goes out to all those Australians who have lost their loved ones and homes in the tragic bush fires in Victoria. This is an unprecedented tragedy of this kind in Australia and it will impact on so many lives for many years to come. We can't take away the pain but we can help the survivors by donating to the Australian Bush Fire Appeal. Please help. Carla x
Sometimes, when I'm feeling anxious about implementing something, the very thing I need to read/hear/see shows up. This is it. http://oprahsangelnetwork.org/stories/506