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one of my favorite photographs of M.Castaing from the book,courtesy of Rizzoli
(the author says it is one of hers too)

It is Just what this sort of book should be- Enchanting.
Can a book be all things to all people? I think not. If you are looking for a dry detached text-stodginess- do not enter the World of Madeleine Castaing.
This book is for the scholar or student yes, perhaps- but Madeleine herself would have abhorred such a reading. It is after all- Madeleine's World. Here you will find magic-Madeleine seems to be walking just ahead of you in that red hooded cape on the grounds of Leves-her treasured home, where everything seemed possible.

Emily Evans Eerdmans has invited us into that World and at times I feel as if she has spent hours interviewing her subject- hearing a story perhaps for a second or third time with a different embellishment or two.The book captures the magical rooms and life this woman managed to create while swimming against the tide of design and art in her era. This was a women who was inspired by Proust's work and nothing would do until she imbued her rooms and shop with the sense that time was suspended in the World of Castaing. The layers of design research with Castaing as the Maestro, and her followers, Emilio Terry, Cocteau- whether designer or artist- entered that World willingly-soliciting the aid of the Muse herself or interpreting her work with their won.

In today's world of "a design book a year" from countless designers plying their trade,I found this book to be a welcome treasure. Both the author and the subject are fully confident in her abilities, coupled with inordinate charm & gratefully in no way prosaic. For all that enter the world of Madeleine Castaing-prepare to spend hours with a most bewitching woman-& book, revealing just enough for us to feel we know this enchantress.

Must we know all the minutiae of a magician's tricks to know it is magic? The World she created for herself -others desired and mimicked by the dozens- however none succeeded like the original-for it lacked one thing- the presence of the magician, and like magic this book enchants and delights.

I loved it, and you will too-since you are reading this blog..

It is yours, & it is signed by the author. Fortunately  I was at the launch of the book and had Emily sign a copy for you and several for other friends as well.

What you have to do.
Leave a comment for me, and Madeleine, and Emily.

updated to this post from the author- "Because Castaing placed so much importance on love and two is clearly better than one, I'd love to throw in another copy of the book for you to give to your readers. More is more! xo, EEE"

how wonderful is that-
You have until Tuesday December 7.
merry christmas early, Twice.

your book and the author signing

 Can't wait ti hear what you think about Madeleine Castaing- and Emily's deep purple gloves.

more little augury posts on Castaing here
more on EMILY at her blog and read her Castaing outtakes and side bars too, here


Holiday Gifts: " Frimousses de Createurs " for Unicef

Collector's Dolls to benefit a good cause.

For the 8th consecutive year, an A-list of personalities, from fashion designers, prestigious jewelers to contemporary artists and movie celebrities have put their imagination and talent to create Frimousses de Createurs. Currently on view at the Petit Palais in Paris from November 30 to December 5, these unique dolls will then be auctioned off at Drouot Montaigne on Dec. 7. All proceeds will go to to support Unicef's initiative to help children in Darfur.
This year, 90 prominent personalities team up with Unicef to designed an exquisite doll, each of them inspired by a theme....

Miu Miu

Sonia Rykiel


BCBG MaxAzria

Dolce Gabbana



Jeff Koons


Jerome L'Huillier

Oscar de La Renta


To view more unique dolls and details, click on Frimousses de Createurs
Thanks to Marie-Pierre de RF for the tip

Heart of Haiti (Part IV) : 12 Days of Christmas

Holiday time is a lovely time of year, n'est-ce pas?  People gather for parties, they smile more, they're more charitable and of course, they give gifts to their loved ones.  I have always wished that this Holiday Spirit stayed around for the remaining 11 months of the year.  Imagine the vibe.
As an Ambassador for Heart of Haiti, I can't help but wonder about the vibe in Haiti this time of year.  With the botched elections, cholera epidemic and ongoing aftermath of the earthquake, I wonder how people keep their spirits up?  I know that when I'm anxious, I hum.  Nothing specific either.  I just hum.  I guess it calms me down.  Music really is soothing, isn't it?
In the spirt of helping Heart of Haiti through trade (and not aid) and in the spirit of the comfort music brings, I have changed the lyrics to the famous "Twelve Days of Christmas" song to reflect the gifts from the Heart of Haiti Collection at Macy's. You can find all twelve of these gifts of Christmas (and more) here and if you need to refresh your memory about the way the song goes, kindly click here for Natalie Cole's version of this holiday classic.
Oh.  And for those of you that are game, feel free to call OBG's toll-free number (866.979.BROWN), leave your name(s) and one email address and sing these lyrics (with your friends and family?) into the OBG voicemail.  The first 6 people to do so (between now and December 15) will win a soapstone heart from the Heart of Haiti Collection.  My treat.  =) 
 *Clearing my throat*

On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
A heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
2 candle votives
and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 3rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
3 quilted pouches
2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
4 botanica trays
3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 6th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
6 sets of coasters
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 7th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
7 napkin rings 
6 sets of coasters,
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
8 Agwe mirrors
7 napkin rings, 6 sets of coasters

5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
9 large fishies
8 Agwe mirrors, 7 napkin rings, 6 sets of coasters,
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
10 jewelry hangers
9 large fishies, 8 Agwe mirrors, 7 napkin rings, 6 sets of coasters,
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11 coral hurricanes
10 jewelry hangers, 9 large fishies, 8 Agwe mirrors, 7 napkin rings, 6 sets of coasters,
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
12 Haitian houses
11 coral hurricanes, 10 jewelry hangers, 9 large fishies, 8 Agwe mirrors, 7 napkin rings, 6 sets of coasters,
5 gree-eeenn bowls
4 botanica trays, 3 quilted pouches, 2 candle votives, and a heart from the Heart of Haiti.

*Wild applause*  I know what I'll be humming (and buying) this holiday season.  How about you?

Click here to see more posts about the Heart of Haiti.

Favete Linguis

Favete Linguis.

photograph by David Seidner 
Worth Paris Gown
How we do get caught up in words, in pictures-sometimes a picture is worth-

(with silence favor me-Horace)
image from artnet 1985 here


7 Artis Indonesia yang Menjadi Perawan Tuac

Perawan tua, sisi lain kehidupan seorang wanita ketika umur semakin bertambah tetapi belum mendapatkan pasangan hidup yang hakiki. Dan mengapa banyak artis indonesia yang siap menjadi perawan tua. Apakah status perawan tua bagi artis mendatangkan hoki. Inilah beberapa artis indonesia yang berstatus perawan tua versi blogotainmen. Simak dengan seksama

1. Bella Saphira

Artis kelahiran Magelang, 6 Agustus 1973, Usia 37 tahun

2. Denada

Artis kelahiran Jakarta, 19 desember 1978, Usia 32 tahun
3. Silvana Herman

Artis kelahiran Jakarta, 15 Desember 1965, Usia 45 tahun
4. Vicky Burki

Artis kelahiran Bandung 17 Juni 1965, Usia 45 tahun
5. Ully Artha

Artis kelahiran 17 Oktober 1953, Usia 57 tahun
6. Inggrid Wdijanarko

Artis kelahiran Surabaya, 18 Agustus 1958, Usia 52 tahun
7. Putri Patricia

Artis kelahiran Jakarta, 24 Mei 1980, Umur 30 tahun Weleh weleh siapa yang minat, mendaftar segera !


Ada-Ada Aja! Anak 10 Tahun Melahirkan Seorang Bayi


MADRID,- Seorang bocah perempuan berusia 10 tahun membuat pemerintah Spanyolmelahirkan seorang bayi dengan bobot 2,9 kg pada 26 Oktober lalu di sebuah rumah sakit di kota Jerez de la Frontera, Spanyol Selatan.
bingung. Bocah ingusan itu
Pemerintahan wilayah Andalusia melalui pejabat Kementerian Sosial Micaela Navarro menyatakan, pihaknya belum pernah mengatasi kasus seperti ini sebelumnya. Pihaknya juga belum memutuskan apakah bayi tersebut diizinkan untuk dipelihara oleh sang ibu atau keluarganya.

Bocah perempuan dan bayi tersebut saat ini dalam keadaan sehat. Identitas mereka masih dirahasiakan. Demikian pula dengan identitas ayah si bayi juga dikabarkan masih bocah
ingusan, kendati tidak disebutkan usianya.
Pemerintah, kata Navarro, tidak mempertimbangkan kasus ini sebagai tindak kriminal atau pemerkosaan sehingga tidak diperlukan proses penyelidikan. Dalam hukum Spanyol, melakukan hubungan seks dengan seseorang berusia di bawah 13 tahun dikategorikan sebagai tindak kekerasan terhadap anak-anak.

Namun Kementerian Kehakiman Spanyol mengatakan kasus ini sangat spesifik dan rumit karena faktanya ayah si bayi juga masih dikategorikan sebagai anak-anak sehingga belum jelas apakah dia dapat dikenai tuntutan. Hukum Spanyol mengizikan pernikahan usia dini dengan pengecualian sangat khusus dari hakim yakni di usia 14 tahun.

Surat kabar Diario de Jerez melaporkan bocah perempuan yang merupakan keturunan Romania ini sudah hamil saat ia tiba di Spanyol. Namun tidak disebutkan kapan bocah perempuan ini pindah ke Spanyol dan belum jelas apakah ayah dari bocah ini ada di Spanyol.

Para ahli medis memperingatkan bahwa kehamilan di usia yang sangat dini sangat berisiko. Hal disebabkan mereka masih dalam masa pertumbuhan dan akan membawa risiko kehamilan yang berbahaya. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gadis remaja cenderung akan melahirkan bayinya secara prematur dan bayi mereka bersiko tinggi mengalami kematian di usia setahun.

Awal tahun ini, seorang anak sekolah berusia 9 tahun di Timur Laut China juga melahirkan bayi laki-laki. Pada 2008, perempuan umur 10 tahun di Idaho, yang hamil pada usia 9 tahun, juga melahirkan bayi dengan selamat.

Sedangkan pada 1939, seperti dilaporkan majalah Time, Lina Medina asal Peru memegang rekor dunia setelah mengalami kahamilan pada usia 5 tahun , 8 bulan dan menjadi sorang ibu pada usia 6 tahun, 5 bulan.


4.000 Pulau di Indonesia Lenyap Akibat Global Warming


Makassar - Perubahan iklim dewasa ini akibat pemanasan global dapat mengancam keberadaan 4.000 pulau di Indonesia.

Utusan Khusus Kepala Unit Kerja Presiden untuk Pengendalian dan Pengawasan Pembangunan (UKP4) William Sabandar mengatakan perubahan iklim global bisa mengakibatkan naiknya permukaan air laut, dan menenggelamkan 4.000 pulau tersebut.

Menurut dia, ancaman hilangnya 4.000 pulau dari sekitar 17.500 pulau yang dimiliki Indonesia bisa terjadi jika muka air laut naik hingga dua meter.

"Hal ini jelas tidak dapat dihindari jika pemanasan global terus terjadi dan mengakibatkan permukaan air laut menjadi naik seperti yang pernah terjadi ribuan tahun silam saat gunung es mencair," katanya di Makassar.

Dia menjelaskan perubahan iklim saat ini dapat terlihat dari suhu bumi yang mengalami peningkatan rata-rata lebih panas 0,7 derajat celcius dari kondisi 100 tahun yang lalu.

Bahkan, dalam 15 tahun terakhir sejak 1995 hingga 2010 merupakan tahun-tahun terpanas dalam kurun waktu 150 tahun terakhir sejak 1850.

"Telah terjadi perubahan pola hujan yang luar biasa, dan bahkan sulit untuk memisahkan antara musim penghujan dan musim panas," tuturnya.

Perubahan temperatur bumi inilah, kata dia, yang dapat memicu naiknya permukaan air laut, yang membawa ancaman bagi negara kepulauan seperti Indonesia, yang bisa mengakibatkan hilangnya 4.000 pulau.

Menurut dia, untuk meminimalisir kemungkinan tersebut, ada dua hal yang bisa diupayakan yakni dengan mitigasi perubahan iklim dan juga adaptasi perubahan iklim. [mah]


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