For the past couple of weeks I have been studying the http://strobist.blogspot.com/
for great information regarding using off camera flashes in lighting set-ups. I finally convinced my mate and writer/journalist Bryce Corbett to model for me. I emptied my lounge-room which was no small achievement, rented some props from Lanzani in the 11th in Paris and got to work. Iin the first photo of him lying on the floor I used an SB800 bounced into a silver umbrella to the left of camera and used the natural light from the window to the right of camera for some back light on his hair. I found an old bedside lamp to create a bit of moody Parisian atmosphere and Bryce did the rest!! In the second shot I closed the curtains and shot backwards into the room using the SB 800 into an umbrella position slightly to the right of camera. I had difficulty focusing and in the end turned on the room lights which also gave him a bit backlight on his hair and used a bedside lamp as a modelling light to help with focusing! Thanks Strobist
for great information regarding using off camera flashes in lighting set-ups. I finally convinced my mate and writer/journalist Bryce Corbett to model for me. I emptied my lounge-room which was no small achievement, rented some props from Lanzani in the 11th in Paris and got to work. Iin the first photo of him lying on the floor I used an SB800 bounced into a silver umbrella to the left of camera and used the natural light from the window to the right of camera for some back light on his hair. I found an old bedside lamp to create a bit of moody Parisian atmosphere and Bryce did the rest!! In the second shot I closed the curtains and shot backwards into the room using the SB 800 into an umbrella position slightly to the right of camera. I had difficulty focusing and in the end turned on the room lights which also gave him a bit backlight on his hair and used a bedside lamp as a modelling light to help with focusing! Thanks Strobist