This morning I was searching through my old files for a photo of Australia and I stumbled across some of the light filled photos I shot a couple of years ago for My French Life. I was filled with nostalgia.

What a wonderful project to work on and what a place to work at! I took the train from Paris to Provence numerous times that year leaving behind the grey skies and the smell of the city. When Vicki opened the door to her heavenly house I was greeted by the perfume of scented candles and bursting blossoms.
When you live in Paris there is no light like Provencal light, just one hour out of Paris on the TGV the whole world seems to change. The grey lifts and the sky opens and there are beautiful manicured fields as far as the eye can see. I wish for a little Provencal light today and some of those scents of Mas de Berard...

Speaking of the devil Vicki at French Essence has tagged me and these are the rules. I am not very good at rules but I will give it a go.
1) Link to the person who tagged you
1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Mention the rules
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself
4) Tag six other bloggers by linking to them
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged
So these are truly unspectacular details about myself:
1. I love photos!
2. I share my Paris apartment with Francesco and an eight kilo cat.
3. I would love to do an exhibition butI am too shy to hang up my photos.
4. In the depths of a Parisian winter I dream of owning a house on a Greek Island.
5. I only read non-fiction, I have so much to learn.
6. Spaghetti alle vongole is my fav dish.
I am tagging Creative Archive because I love her heavenly fashion photos, Shannon Fricke
because her life is full of colour and I loved her book on colour, Crave because she has great taste, the Paris Apartment because her blog is full of beautiful Parisian places and illustrations,
Absolutely Beautiful Things because she rocks and loves beauty, and This is Glamorous because we all need a little glamour in our lives.
Absolutely Beautiful Things because she rocks and loves beauty, and This is Glamorous because we all need a little glamour in our lives.