Christmas has traditionally been a time of year I would rather avoid. When I was a child it was the time of year we lived for. The excitment of Christmas day was almost unbearable. As the years passed my feelings for Christmas changed. It was a reminder each of year of what my life had not become. I would trot off to my family Christmas each year (without the family) a kind of ground hog dog for me. All my sisters and brothers' lives were progressing beautifully, wonderful husbands, beautiful children and lovely homes. I was still eating Thai takeaway in a one bedroom flat, driving the same route to work each day and coming home to an answering machine in the evenings.
It was also Christmas when I received the fatal 1999 Best client of the year present from my local Thai takeaway and I realised I had to change my life. I packed up my business, my career, my apartment and I moved to Italy.
That was almost nine years ago and so much has happened in between. I jumped in at the deep end and became a photographer, studying photography in an Italian arts school and spent the first four years living in Florence. I met the divine Francesco and in 2004 we moved to Paris and this Christmas I have officially survived eight years as a freelance photographer in Europe - now that's something to celebrate!!
Two nights ago at WH Smith on rue du Rivoli ,on the corner of rue Cambon (love that address) I celebrated the Paris Launch of Paris Tango with all my lovely friends and the wonderful Parisians who star in the book. The past eight years of chipping away at the coal face everyday were forgotten for a night.
This Christmas instead of dragging my heels at the sound of the Bing Crosby tunes I am celebrating. I would love to giveaway the collection of books that have helped me survive these past eight years, Italian Joy (the story of leaving my life), My French Life (a collaboration with Vicki Archer on the beautiful home she has created in Provence) and now Paris Tango (a book about the people that make Paris tick).
To go in the draw all you have to do is subscribe to carla loves photography click here (don't forget to confirm when you receive the email). The winner will be drawn on 12th December so you will have the books in time for Christmas! If you want a second chance to win visit Vicki Archer over at French Essence.
Have a wonderful Christmas
Carla x