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And The Survey Says...

229 people responded to an OBG survey that asked "Who are your friends?" and the results might (or might not) surprise you:  55.9% answered that their friends come from a wide variety of cultural and/or ethnic backgrounds; 39.74% say their friends are mostly from the same cultural and/or ethnic background; and 4.37% say their friends are all from the same cultural and/or ethnic background.  How about this one?  Should a person that is biracial (whether Chinese/Indian, African/Japanese, etc.) pick just one cultural group to identify with? 212 people responded to this OBG survey question with 3.3% responding Yes, the decision is dictated by society and choosing one cultural group makes life easier; 91.51% answered No, the decision should be personal and not dictated by society; and 5.19% thought the question was too tough to answer.    Are you surprised at all by the survey results?  What are your thoughts?