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Patchwork VI- Temptation at the V&A


patchwork quilting?
the perfect project for 2010?


seed head

 This available in March from the Victoria and Albert-

the book accompanies the V&A exhibition of the same name.

& this-

& these. I am partial to the graphic Shells. I love the delicacy of seed head in blue. Perhaps just a few metres to tuck back for...
available in the Fat Quarter (50 x 75cm), Half Metre (50 x 150) and 1 Metre (100 x 150cm), as well as cut to order metreage (2m +). I'd preorder now.

 an exclusive limited edition collection of 18 printed cottons, vividly bringing to life designs from the quilts on display. the V& A has adapted these designs a smidgen to lure modernists.

from Stephanie LaCava at Vogue's People are talking about-' Sue Prichard, curator of contemporary textiles at the V&;A, describes the palette of the reimagined patterns, which feature tiny repeating roses, leaves, shells, hearts, and even seaweed—inspired by a quilt made in 1829 to commemorate the Duke of Wellington’s victory at the Battle of Vittoria. '

'The second collection, for spring/summer 2010, will reference the florals of Horrockses Fashions, a British clothing label from the forties and fifties, but for now, it’s all about patchwork. “The idea is to inspire people to go off and create,” says Prichard. “It’s about being as eclectic or eccentric as you choose to be in the context of your house'
(again from LaCava)

all images from V&A HERE
