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on Hypocrisy: words from Wilde, the son


anyone that is regularly reading little augury knows of my fondness, admiration-for Oscar Wilde. I have just finished reading VYVYAN HOLLAND'S ,Son of Oscar Wilde, Vyvyan was Wilde's youngest son who for all practical purposes lost the father he loved at the age of 9 years. The memoir is worthwhile for any Wildean.

There are tender passages from a son to his father. Tender words that show Oscar Wilde to be a loving involved father.

These words from Vyvyan towards the end of the book about his father's unjustified arrest and sentencing struck me as apropos of the world we live in and look out on-

The self righteousness...
was really camouflage to disguise its own hypocrisy, 
and the people who were loudest in their condemnation 
of my father were often those whose own lives 
could least bear investigation. 

 Nothing makes the transgressor so indignant 
as the transgressions, 
of a different kind, of his fellow-men; except, 
perhaps, transgressions of the same kind. 
Vyvan Holland

these incredible images from Neu Black here , by Helmo here