continued from this post here Getting the Picture and what I like.
a picture of a favorite room is there to inspire-not to copy. It will never come out-no matter what the mags tell you-because it is not your room. I used the two rooms in Getting the picture as reminders-
It is good to stray-preferred really.
both rooms are decorated by Henri Samuel. They each tell me different things about Balance, Scale, Authenticity, Arrangement, Repetition, Layers, Texture, Detail, Color. the "IDEA" : take things you find and find out and make them your own.
Here are the elements of my room. I am missing paint. I left a Living Room of Turkish apricot in my last house and filled this room with books-the Walls here are a Pale ( I mean P A L E lilac)
I miss the color.
& how tempting that deep plum color is in Samuel's own apartment?

I can see that color right now somewhere between the old Chinese rug-
somewhere between a
rubus ursinis idaeus
& a
prunus institia
but dusty,
very dusty
Elephas maximus