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thinking of PINK


thinking of PINK
thanks to fellow blogger, Mrs. Blandings' annual "Post Pink" prompting
to mark the 1st day of breast cancer awareness month.
from textile designer LULU's Trail of Inspiration a cushion honoring her mother. I adore her blog-its personal,  original & full of inspiration.

if you have ever had a call to return to have additional views done after an initial MAMMOGRAM screening, you must know the things that run through your head. 
not thinking.
& thinking positively.
I have had this call twice over the 25 or so years. Just recently- and though the radiologist assures me there is little concern-I will go back in a few months for an update. I know something is there. I go jauntily along with daily routines-just as if I did not know.
but I DO & 
I am better off-knowing- 

 being AWARE is what it is all about.   
