These are two of my favourite's together! Cross procesing and Italian cemetaries. Two important things to consider when cross processing (turning a positive film into a negative) is the choice of film and the exposure. Every film will give you different results so it is best to test different ones to see which colour effect you like the best. I find most of the time over exposing the shot by one stop is a better result than correctly exposing i, for me the results look under exposed. Two stops over can be interesting and it is always worth bracketing a couple of different exposures. The other trick is in the printing. You need to tell your lab when developing that you want your film cross processed otherwise it will just be a badly exposed positive film. I love Sky Photographic in Florence
http://www.skyphotographic.it/ or Platinum imaging in Sydney
http://www.platinumimaging.com.au/. Negatif Plus in Paris is ok but not quite as dramatic as these two labs and I go to the effort to send mine from Paris to Italy to get the printed image I am after.