On a rainy summer's day in Paris I excitedly joined the queue at the Jeu de Paume to see the much awaited Richard Avedon Retrospective. The first ever Avedon retrospective in Paris, is a feast of portraiture in the clean minimalist elegant style of Avedon. Though Avedon shot almost all the big names in business, politics and the arts my favourite photos were the series shot in the Amercian West of real people, shop assistants and mine workers, the homeless and black jack dealers. These large black and white prints, some mounted on light boxes are mesmerizing, the souls of these people stare straight at you.. A must if you are in Paris. http://www.jeudepaume.org/?page=article&idArt=539&lieu=1&PHPSESSID=f07afaabedf542f8e9364e5196dcc90b