The Word of the Week (WOW) is boudoir; pronounced "bood-wahr". A boudoir is a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room. In Caribbean English, a boudoir is the front room of the house where women entertain family and friends. In recent years, the boudoir has come to represent a style of furnishing for the bedroom that is traditionally described as ornate or busy and tends to focus on Renaissance and French inspired bedroom styles. Likewise, in the photographer's studio, it has become very fashionable to create a set of sensual images for ladies of all ages, shapes, and sizes in the "boudoir style," which lends itself to partially clothed female images in lingerie. Interestingly, the word is derived from the French verb "bouder" which mean "to pout." Hmmmm. Do women retire to their bedrooms to pout?