if you like a mystery a must read is The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux. Leroux wrote The Phantom of the Opera. the Yellow Room, originally published in French Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune in the 1907 periodical L'illustration.
Detective Joseph Rouletabille makes his first appearance in the Yellow Room- and has an impossible crime to unravel. Leroux holds nothing back -reader is given each detail found by Rouletabille along with floor plans of the crime scene.
read it online here
stairs to the attic
the Park
Mlle Stangerson's Bedroom
Mlle Stangerson's Drawing Room

Great Hall of Glandier
characters illustrated by Boldini
Frederic Larsan – distinguished police detective

Sinclair-the narrator & friend to Rouletabille
M.Robert Darzac- Mathile Stangerson's fiance
Jacques the caretaker
happier times
Mlle Stangerson & Darzac
The novel finds its continuation in The Perfume of the Lady in Black where a number of the characters familiar from this story reappear.
all exterior and interior views from (here)

if you like a mystery a must read is The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux. Leroux wrote The Phantom of the Opera. the Yellow Room, originally published in French Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune in the 1907 periodical L'illustration.

Detective Joseph Rouletabille makes his first appearance in the Yellow Room- and has an impossible crime to unravel. Leroux holds nothing back -reader is given each detail found by Rouletabille along with floor plans of the crime scene.
read it online here
stairs to the attic

the Park
Mlle Stangerson's Bedroom

Mlle Stangerson's Drawing Room

Great Hall of Glandier

characters illustrated by Boldini
Frederic Larsan – distinguished police detective

Sinclair-the narrator & friend to Rouletabille

M.Robert Darzac- Mathile Stangerson's fiance

Jacques the caretaker
happier times
Mlle Stangerson & Darzac
The novel finds its continuation in The Perfume of the Lady in Black where a number of the characters familiar from this story reappear.
all exterior and interior views from (here)