The Loveliest Woman in America, by Bibi Gaston, is the story of the beautiful Rosamond Pinchot. In her copious diaries- where Bibi Gaston's draws from the intimate details of her grandmother- Rosamond writes about being a part of the upper crust of Manhattan, referring to it as the "on tops." Gaston explains," The Loveliest Woman in America is about our mothers, about our grandmothers, about tragedy and glamour and life and death. About letting go, about the men we love, about beauty, about diets, about buttermilk and lettuce! About making every moment count and living life to the fullest. Yes, all those thing. But mostly it is about me and you and how we make the most of our brief but beautiful lives."
(read more in an interview with the Author (NYSD here) , and the Bibi Gaston site here.)

Intersections in the Life of Rosamond Pinchot
Model Nadia Vodianova bears an obvious striking resemblance to beautiful Rosamond.
model Nadia Vodianova- Rosamond Pinchot


The Miracle
On an Atlantic crossing returning from France , 19 year old Rosamond was discovered by Max Reinhardt and he cast her as the Nun in"The Miracle." A religious pageant for Broadway, "The Miracle" Rosamond acted by running up and down aisles a lot and looking astonished. Rosamond became an overnight sensation and called "the loveliest woman in America."R.P.

The Miracle also starred Lady Diana( Manners) Cooper as The Madonna.

the cast
center RP, to right DM

On the opening night of Thornton Wilder's Our Town directed by Jed Harris, Rosamond took her life at the age of 34 years. She was known to have had a volital affair with the director. So ending her fascinating but short story.
All photographs of Rosamond are part of the"The Rosamond Pinchot Collection."