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signs of the Charles

 the French fleur de lis here

 the German coat of arms by Virgil Solis, (16th c.)

 by Durer

by Durer, 1512
image from here

Charlemagne, by Durer,&  the symbols of his power. at right- the French royal coat of arms,  left  the Holy Roman Empire arms, holding the imperial orb, &  sword.

King of the Franks, 
CHARLAMAGNE, (Charles the Great)
the founding father of France and Germany, Charlemagne united Western Europe for the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire.

The tall one, at 6 foot 3 inches-he could carry a small cathedral about. (his father was Pepin the Short, so go figure)

by Scheuren 1825

Dalmatic of Charemagne 
image here
read about it here

footnote-Charlemagne had twenty children over the course of his life with eight of his ten known wives or concubines. Nonetheless, he only had four legitimate grandsons, the four sons of his third son, Louis. In addition, he had a grandson-Bernard only son of his third son, Pippin- who was born illegitimate but included in the line of inheritance. So, despite twenty children, the claimants to his inheritance were few.