I had the opportunity to do a brief cruise through the International Contemporary Furniture Fair at the Javits Center. Thought I’d share a few visuals.
This one, you’ll see
everywhere ...

Sheet Seat folding chair is so appealing in its clever simplicity, that the Hoboken (via Turkey) based designers, Ufuk Keskin & Efecem Kutuk, have multiple manufacturers interested in producing them. Cut from a single piece of wood laminate, with very little waste, they store flat, and even look great hanging on the wall.

Draw with regular Sharpies to customize your Umbra OH chair. Just remember that you'll be sitting
permanently on those mindless doodles.

Let’s say you decide to go to Holland because so many people there speak English. You, of course, speak no Dutch. And let’s say you are alone in a train station and this (bottom) is the only clock. Your iPhone battery is out, so you can’t use the translation app. You would have an incredibly ironic, post-modern experience, but you’re screwed as far as knowing the time (8:20). Not fun if you should be running, instead of walking, to make a train. It’s great looking, but let’s hope the
Qlocktwo doesn’t catch on in
too big a way.
Check out
Metropolis magazine for lots more on the ICFF.