I don't feel well today. In fact, for the past 3 days, I've been sleeping off and on (more on than off) just so that I wouldn't have to feel bad. The only reason I'm blogging is to try to get some normalcy back. I think I have some kind of funky bug jumping around in my belly. (And I don't think he's gone either although he appears to be resting at the moment.) I won't tell you what my symptoms are because that would be TTMI (totally too much information). Let's just say I'll be glad when it's over.
I don't get sick much although I have certainly done the dance with illness. It's been 5 years since I got super sick. And it was no bug in the belly either. It was the kind of sick that leaves you stunned, confused and traumatized. The kind of sick that leaves you in the hospital for 30 days (!) with a rare auto-immune disorder (in my DNA no less) that causes renal failure (yes, renal failure) and subjects you to dialysis, chemo, pheresis, blood transfusions, psychological trauma and more. The kind of sick I never want to will be again. The kind of sick that has miraculously disappeared...which is another story entirely.