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a Baroness in Paris decorates


I don't often show off rooms currently gracing the glossies-
But this one made me stop-
& again,
& again.
I love the Paris interiors featured in Vogue Living Australia's July August issue and on gracing its cover.

The designer's name I immediately recognized-
from another set of rooms?
was she a jewelry designer?
Both, but it was mostly the rooms I remembered. (of course) .

Photograph by Roger Davies

full of color, JOY.
elegance, CALM.
these rooms in Elle Decor

 the yellow of a 16th century ter Brugghen feather

This grand Salon in this designer's own Paris home has been cocooned in the a yellow silk damask, trimmed in a green damask with a fine edging of red that defines it all & finds its way onto the passementeried curtains. This emerald green is repeated in a brocatelle on a pair a diminutive chairs- the green akin to Givenchy green.

You know-
that glorious green of Hubert de Givenchy's -
this-his ensemble for Grace Kelly.

-Not to mention the striking Untitled(Black Star) by Philippe Decrauzat moving across a yellow canvas.

& then there is this dress

Need I say more?
just- one more thing.
This bed-
the Baroness added this exotic silver "neo-Baroque" bed and tucked it into the corner of her Salon.

& for the bed-She conjures her own image.


which came first?
the movie or the room?

"You look up at the ceiling with all those moldings and you say to yourself, This is France!"
-says the designer from her heavenly cushioned corner

with just a hint of the red in a 17th century la Tour turban

All things add up to Rose Anne de Pampelonne.

Baroness Bruno de Pampelonne photographed by Richard Powers
for Vogue Living Australia

The rooms of the Vogue Living were done up by the Baroness for an elegant Russian client. Things look quite different here on the surface-but digging deeper the Pampelonne aesthetic is strikingly present. The interiors are impeccable and I won't revel any more than that first glimpse, but her philosophy of design resounds equally in the text-

"When I make a commitment, it goes down to the bath salts. I'm demanding with clients, asking for approval at every stage because every decision is interlinked."


" I believe in unifying interiors with textures and comfort. The grander the house the greater the need to make it feel comfortable."

Is there a bed tucked into the Salon ?
Not telling.
there is a Mouflon de Pauline.

the designer outside her Paris home 
photographed by Roger Davies

I see a Vogue Living Australia in your future-
in your hands.

the jewelry here at the Bag Hag Diaries
her own home in Elle Decor here
the art of Philippe Decrauzat here
the dress at Vogue.com here
Garbo's Camille here
Florence Lopez here
Galerie Herve Van der Straeten here