It’s been a long time coming. Cult street label FALSE has finally launched it’s first collection of 2010, titled Disarm or Die. Everything we love about FALSE is back in effect – the signature monotone colors of black and white, the powerful graphics and the fact that everything is hand-screened. Quality thoughts at it’s finest. Grab the tees now at the FALSE’s new ANTI ANTI e-store.
“A call for action in the form of intelligence, a call to arms where no arms shall be required. A collective conjoining of minds to actively communicate, boycott, overthrow the powers that might be just by active choice. The choice to choose our own independent way of thought and way of seeing life. The choice to bring down the false illusions bestowed upon us.. Reality altering at will and on a whim, we see what we choose to see and thus we shall be what we choose to be. Disarm Or Die……..”