It's Okay to Ask.
A few days ago, I heard someone use the word Oriental (as in rug) to describe a Japanese woman and I physically cringed. (She's either Japanese or Asian, right?) But since I wasn't a part of the conversation, I kept my thoughts to myself and left the building. And then I got to thinking (there I go thinking again) about all of the antiquated and inappropriate references to culture and ethnicity we all hear and - yes - even use.

I also found find some interesting information about using the term Native American vs. American Indian: "As The American Heritage Book of English Usage points out, 'the acceptance of Native American has not brought about the demise of [the word] Indian. Unlike Negro, which was quickly stigmatized once black became preferred, Indian never fell out of favor with a large segment of the American population. A 1995 Census Bureau Survey of preferences for racial and ethnic terminology (there is no more recent survey) indicated that 49% of Native people preferred being called American Indian, 37% preferred Native American, 3.6% preferred 'some other term,' and 5% had no preference.' " [Source:]

So look. It's hard to be politically correct all of the time. I get that. And walking around on eggshells in fear that you will incorrectly refer to and/or insult a persons cultural or ethnic background is no way to live. But being aware of what is appropriate is a good thing. So here's the challenge: If you are unsure about what term is culturally or ethnically appropriate, try politely asking the person you are referring to what makes him/her comfortable. Granted, it may be different for two people from the same background, but it really does seem like the right thing to do. Besides that, it's pretty interesting stuff. =)