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the Un read

they're stacking up.

this was last week.

& after a week of reading emails, blogs I mentally see the stack increasing-
granted some remain from last year. some are being read again. some have to be referred to-here and close by.

now reading Parrot and Olivier in America by Peter Carey. just what I was looking for. I am hooked on the first few pages.
ongoing- Diana Cooper's Autobiography.

what do you really think of the Stieg Larsson books? Having read the first very recently, I thought not to read the second. Since a friend read it and loaned me a copy- I will go forward with the series. It is disturbing. Yes, I know that is the intended reaction, but still.

Have you read BLEAK HOUSE? No light Dickens- that.
If you have read any in my stack-tell me if it's worth it.

how are yours stacking up?
