Popular Post

dreams of the stage


sent 1908

 My dear Girlie
I received your extremely short note I was waiting for you
to come on Monday night, but- Jessie told me why you did not come
Love from Marty

sent 1915
another for your collection am still having a nice time. Best regards, Awm

(sisters Phyllis and Zena Dare)

all of these old postcards go to a certain "Miss"- a collector of  "ladies of the theatr"e & referred to as "Girlie"- "Tootsie"and later "Old Girlie "-so the years went by. -passing from 1906 through the first World War with cards printed in Prussia-London- Berlin. They are mailed from Cape of Good Hope,South Africa and from within spots in the UK. I think from the lines in some of the posts the South Africa connection is an Uncle or Brother.

It doesn't tell us much, however- I was taken with the ladies and a few of the notes. The cards collected slow after 1918, but the collector did add one news clipping hand dated 11/11/47: it records the sailing of well known British actress, Miss Zena Dare to South Africa, where she would appear in IVOR NOVELLO'S Perchance to Dream-opening in Johannesburg for a six-week run and will then go to Capetown. "I was last in South Africa in 1928-9 when I took my own company on a seven months' tour of the Union and Rhodesia. I have many friends in South Africa whom I am looking forward to meeting again." Was our Girlie there for the performance?

sent 1908
" dear Scottie 
how is it that I get no answer from you. 
I remain your young friend-K.M xxxx"

(a suitor?)

sent 1913

My Dear Girlie
know (sp)  doubt you will Be thinking me a nice one for not writing
to you to answer your news- know & welcome letter
But shall write you a long letter on Tuesday night. 
Have Been  t busy lately t write. Hoping this pc finds you in 
the Best of Health. With love from Tommy

sent 1908

Dear Girlie I have not received any letter from you yet-we are all well. 
yet we are had a very nice Picnic on Monday the 9th 
So I remain yours, Love TB

(Gladys Cooper portrayed Maxim de Winter's sister in Rebecca! and Mrs. Higgins in My Fair Lady- movies.)

sent 1914

Dear Miss Buitendacht
I believe you collect post cards. so hope this one will find its way into your album.
 Have those Goolies broken into any more houses since I left. If they break into your place,
just give me a shout. I hope you dont mind sending you a p.c. 
Kindest regards to all at Ivy Cottage Yrs sincerely, C Rothmar   

(a little romance?)

sent 1914

dear Dorothy I hope this will find you quite well many thanks for your letter
which I am glad to say that I received quite safe. I will close now
with my Best love from your loving Friend. W.H.G.Gingell

the housing of these post cards was undeniably worthless and beyond hope of repair- the contents however held priceless dreams and I got them for a song-

(the tunes from Gaby Deslys)
