If, in the year 1968, you were not a preteen girl fully immersed in the study of grooming products and all things mod, you are excused for not knowing about the amazing nonwater shampoo-substitute that came in a can.

PSSSSSST was a powder-based spray to be used when you just didn’t have time to wash your hair, and then roll it around a giant coffee can to dry it straight.
What I could not have known then, was how perfect it would be to immortalized a bit of PSSSSSST advertising (along with all things Beatles or ladybug) on yet another iconic fad of the day—a decoupaged lunch-box handbag.

I’ve read that, like numerous other products of days gone by, the dry shampoo has been re-introduced!
"Between Shampoos- On Camping Trips- After Sports. Any time you can't use water. Psssssst is the convenient, quick fresher-upper for your hair."
Yup, that's
Susan Dey, "washing" her hair. I found this image at
Gold Country Girls.

My mom has sold her house and is moving to an apartment. I’ll be posting more nostalgia as the excavating and purging continues.