Hockey masks weren’t always the high-tech airbrushed affairs they are today. In fact there was a time when goaltenders didn’t even wear them.
A LIFE photo gallery of NHL goalie masks includes Gerry Cheevers' famous mask, above. It is covered with drawn-on stitches indicating where he had been smacked in the face by pucks.
Below are a few of the contemporary masks with impressively airbrushed graphics.

The 1966 Life magazine photo, below, commemorates the maskless years of hockey played by Terry Sawchuk. His scars from actual injuries were augmented by a make-up artist for the photo.

Baseball catchers have been wearing cage masks since the late 1800s. With the advent of the curve ball in the mid-1870s, followed by the elimination of the one-bounce rule soon after, masks became the norm. (more here)
Hockey, on the other hand, for many years was played with a puck that generally, believe it or not, stayed on the ice. Who needed a mask? But play became more aggressive, the puck became airborne, and goaltending became a seriously dangerous profession. Even so, the introduction of the mask for actual game play was resisted due to the restrictions on movement and vision they caused. It is now considered the single piece of equipment that has most drastically changed the way the game is played. (more here)
The earliest masks in the Hockey Hall of Fame gallery, date from the late 1920s. The first two recorded instances of face protection on ice were a catcher’s mask, and a fencing mask. Here are a few of the early masks designed specifically for hockey.

The designer of the famous Hannibal-Lecter-meets-Sleeper mask, was Bill Burchmore, a promotional salesman for Fiberglass Canada Ltd. Burchmore, had witnessed a Plante injury in April 1958 which had halted game play for 45 minutes. The next day, while observing a mannequin at the office, Burchmore had his revelation. Fiberglass could offer the facial protection along with the visibility and movement that no other material was capable of providing. He convinced Plante to collaborate in the development, which began with a facial mold by a plastic surgeon.
Much has been written about this, especially since 2009 marked the 50th anniversary of the historic mask debut. This site has the story in extensive (and much appreciated) detail, and also offers newspaper accounts of the event.
Below are items from an auction of Burchmore’s archive, including a face mold, patent, and the “pretzel” mask.

The mask below, adopted in the early 1960s by the much-scarred Terry Sawchuk, was custom made by Detroit Red Wings assistant trainer Lefty Wilson. (source)