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“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.”


and so said Gore Vidal, and for the most part- all in fact- I agree.

 I can cook- however almost and  always I would rather read about someone who is a fabulous cook-when I can not dine with said cook . that is why and love the blog LINDARAXA by Julieta. She makes the most beautiful, and no doubt delicious delectables, if only I could sample everything.  The charming  24 CORNERS has also dropped this bouquet in my lap, so I am doubly blessed. It is the onset of Awards season-no not the Globes or Oscars- the BLOGS. A swarm of Awards start buzzing around from blog to blog- and -thank you Julieta for the Stylish Blogger Award.
I swore off accepting them for a time  last year-but with the great NEW blogs I have been reading lately-it seems right to spread their Light and share my finds.

Here is what Julieta says "These awards carry a price (with a c not a z!), better known as rules, and they are  as follows:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you (DONE)

2. Share 7 things about yourself (Not Doing, I share quite enough-too much really)

3. Award 10 other bloggers

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award
(some will be thrilled and they should, always nice to get a nod from one's peers-
and some will just moan- and bemoan -and they should not)

Since the whole point of this is to really spread the love around-
Here are some NEW and perhaps not SO NEW that I am discovering:

& here are some FAVORITES that have returned after a -too long, hiatus.

this list is worth a look , and startling to see such good minds at work. many other wonderful new and always enjoyable reads exist on my What I Read list.
