From these worked drawings evolved a series of paintings that are, similarly, montages of elements from de Kooning's original paintings with figures cut from printed matter. Both homage and desecration, the de Kooning paintings exemplify Prince's vision of a "Spiritual America," a historical consciousness fueled by a pervasive desire for rebellion and reinvention.
Born in 1949 in the Panama Canal Zone, Richard Prince lives and works in New York.
Richard Prince: de Kooning, an exhibition of paintings and works on paper is on view at Gagosian Gallery, Paris from March 30 to May 21, 2011. This show also coincides with "Richard Prince: American Prayer" at the Bibliotheque nationale de France.
It was time to pay homage to an artist I really like. Some people worship at the altar - I believe in de Kooning. ~Richard Prince

Images courtesy of Gagosian Gallery Paris
Richard Prince
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Richard Prince
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