"he loves me"
"he loves me not"
"he loves me not"
Cary Grant as Fleur's Leading Man

Grant was best man at the last of Fleur's fourth marriage and Grant was married five times. So these two would have had a lot more than flowers to talk about.

Grant as leading man with Grace Kelly in Hitchcock's
"To Catch A Thief"
"To Catch A Thief"

Who wouldn't let Grant lead them around? He is for me Hollywood's one and only best Leading Man.
Grant's enthusiasm for his pick of flowers is adorable. He still has that effect.
As Grant told it to Fleur:
"My selections, probably listed in the favour with which I regard them
since they popped to mind in the following order:
PANSIES- all types, all colours; LILACS- lavender and/or white; BLUEBELLS;
DAISIES-not the small field daisy but the larger, single petalled variety:
SWEET PEAS Lathyrus odoratus;
since they popped to mind in the following order:
PANSIES- all types, all colours; LILACS- lavender and/or white; BLUEBELLS;
DAISIES-not the small field daisy but the larger, single petalled variety:
SWEET PEAS Lathyrus odoratus;

& Grant added:
" Though how could you limit me, or anyone, to a list of only ten?
I long to add primroses, mimosa, frangipani, carnations, fuchsias...
Oh, I could go on for hours."

"he loves me, he loves me not"

two gorgeous actors
Grant with roommate Randolph Scott- the cowboy

a little Domestic Bliss
Grant and Scott

His Own