American born Grace Kelly:
Hollywood movie star extraordinaire,
Absolute Beauty,
Princess Grace of Monaco.
The Blushing Hostess has invited us to visit her site and see all the postings about gracious people.
Grace Kelly lit up the tiny Principality of Monaco with Her magic, Her stardom, Her elegance, Her style,
Her Grace.
Her Serene Highness, Princess Grace, played the Fleur Cowles Flower Game-selecting Ten Flowers she would take to fill her own island. Of the two hundred that answered to Cowles , the Princess' answers reveal much.
After reflecting, she put together a perfect world, providing everything she might need with her choices; beauty, sustenance, shelter and a fairy tale ending. She was an intellectual, an artist, a pragmatist and a dreamer.
The Princess Plays the Flower Game
I chose ZUCCHINI so that I could eat the flower...

where I would sit quietly in the shade and contemplate

I would try to find a fresh water pond on the island for my WATER LILIES
with the hope that their large leaves will attract frogs.

One might turn into a handsome prince who would be decent enough to whisk me off this lonely island
and take me back to civilization...
After all, I am really a city girl at heart!

Princess Grace had a full staff in the Palace awaiting her pleasure, all in attendance to assure the success of entertaining in her name-Yet one can not imagine her hand not being in it all. The same thoughtfulness and care she must have taken in each and every detail-Much like her flower list.
* her note-" I hope you will accept it although I have never seen it flower."