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Vincent Olinet and his extravagant sculptures

At first glance, Vincent Olinet's mixed-media sculptures of pretty things like layer cakes, four-poster fairy beds and glossy lipsticks are seductive, but upon closer look they reveal a subversive side. The cakes have collapsed in a gooey mess, the beds have been left outside to rot in the rain, and the lipsticks are sloppoly varnished. "I like to make shiny, colorful art pieces that appeal to our dreams and urges but actually deal with decay or disillusion", says the Brussels-based artist.

A fairy tale with
Not yet my story, Wanderland, Tilburg 2008

Decadent with these non-edible pieces
Petit Gateau, 2003

Yaourt grec fruit du Japon, 2007

La vitrine, 2007

Je vous aime tous, Fiac, Paris 2007

Twice Upon A Time, Gallery Laurent Godin, Paris 2010

Rouge Santa Barbara, 2009

To see more, click on Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris