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does anyone use the telephone anymore?

I do look-
checking out caller id-why didn't someone think of this sooner?

a couple of calls from CA. Now who could that be-yet not sure if I really want to start a chat there.

I wonder who Private Caller is? but not so much that I answer.
I prefer email-of course those that know me well-
Well know that.

This lobster telephone is one of six all white versions that Dali made in association with the pioneering British interior designer Syrie Maugham (1879-1955) for the home of the surrealist collector Edward James.Minneapolis Institute of Arts, William Hood Dunwoody Fund

Save your paddles for the hands-I know emails are impersonal, but I am not-So my emails are fully thought out and considerate, kind and well composed.
In my postings here and there- I often abandon proper capitalization and grammar, I do know it -understand it-
But I prefer  dialog on paper-
that is how we speak-this is how I write.

Remember the days of party lines?  they were shared lines in your neighborhood-imagine that! My brothers,  cousins and I called one of the elderly ladies-old maids in the neighborhood "Clickin Annie."
If you know of party lines- a click in on a conversation was a way hurry  another conversation  along -albeit a rude one.  A stealth listening in on others conversations was another party line taboo. I never did either-but I was not an old maid then-only a little innocent.  That I missed anything by not participating in these activities I have no doubt of-but when one is an old maid one has to take one's pleasures stealthily. Taboo or not.
It does beg the question- should be answering the phone more often?

I suppose I miss things- I'll never know-I'm not quite  an old maid there yet. Hush.
