How lovely to get a Kreativ Blogger Award from Sanity Fair. Many thanks! Of course being a Scorpio- they are the natural detectives of the Astrological World- I need to know. It isn't that feminine curiosity- like who are you wearing? But more likely- why are we culturally obsessed with labels?
I investigated Kreativ Bloggers & their Award. How do Kreativ Bloggers behave? What I discovered is that some-don't actually do what is asked. I can understand-but I was surprised. Not following through with the conditions is somewhat unGracious especially if accepting. It is like that awful deadly silence when someone opens a present Not to their liking & it shows all over her face. I say just grin & bear it.
The conditions are quite simple really- tell 7 things about me that readers might not know & nominate 7 other bloggers for the award. My 7 Picks are Fabulous.
ME - 7 things you may not know
cupid, concord & clio

How did I NOT know that?
SB replied Well dear I am 25 years older than You and I know more-
Yes in some cases that is true. I defer to SB-that is- when it concerns all things of the Astrological World. Knowledge is Power-& I want to Know.
photograph of cz guest
Madame Yevonde photograph
Yes-actually called out with the Webster's definition. I did know what it was-
I did not- however want to be That at 17.
I grew into it- it took a while. College was a struggle-where more than there -I did not- however want to be That at 17.
Do you find yourself, or lose yourself?
In my case it was a bit of both.
I love cookbooks. I collect them even. I've inherited them. I use them constantly. I read them-sometimes aloud to trapped friends. I love the photography, I love the poetry, I love the ingredients, I love the organization- alas I don't do that much cooking. I go through stages- trying the cuisine of the South- Edna Lewis. I can completely Do Miss Lewis' things. That gingerbread recipe is knockout. (let me know if you want it) Right not I am going through a spanking new one The Country Cooking of France. The recipes are History- by Ann Willian, the photography by France Ruffenach- Art, to see excerpts go see (here).
the legendary Tallulah Bankhead
the legendary Tallulah Bankhead

My 7 Kreative Bloggers
(read it and weep Ladies-for joy or otherwise,
It's yours do with it what you will!)
It's yours do with it what you will!)

take time to go see their blogs-just click on the blog titles and enjoy
& one more thing- I love a quote~
"Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men
who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others."
~Virginia Woolf
& one more thing- I love a quote~
VW by Roger Fry
who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others."
~Virginia Woolf
see MADAME YEVONDE here & with more about Madame Y at HOBAC here