ah ha!
Aren't the twists and turns of this sphere what draws us always back?
...the comments, the often times enlightening ones, the fellow inhabitants that we respect and rely on to elevate the conversation. le style et la matiere is one of these. She added the French cover of the YSL Pierre Berge book to the mix in her post yesterday & it is arresting. Have a look at the cover here & here.
being the 1st published cover in France
being the 1st published cover in France

The photographer IVAN TERESTCHENKO'S site features the French cover, published by ALBIN MICHEL here , along with the subsequent covers published in the UK by Thames & Hudson & the US by Vendome.
Terestchenko also comments on the covers at le style et la matiere here. Go read his comments & see mine as well. If you have already shared your thoughts on the two covers I featured in yesterday's post, I'd love to know what you think of this one. Does it change your mind? Are you on board with the French cover?
Comment on the 3rd cover (That being the 1st one published) with Me here & become a follower of the blog by signing up in the section just below My Profile information. This will make you eligible to win the book of your preference- alas not the French one-but if you are wise you will follow me over here & know what's in the wind. If you aren't following along there-You don't know what you are missing.


read the 1st post on little augury here. read the comments too- they are the best of all!
Notoriously shy, the designer and Bergé lived in luxury, surrounded by incomparable collections of furniture and art. From the serene interiors of their apartment on the Rue Babylone to the incandescent beauty of the Villa Majorelle in Marrakech, Bergé and Saint Laurent’s sensibilities come alive. Taken after Saint Laurent’s death in 2008, Ivan Terestchenko’s photographs capture these exquisite surroundings in full, showcasing nineteenth-century French décor, important paintings by modern and Romantic artists, and masterpieces of furniture, sculpture, and silver ranging from the Renaissance to the Art Deco era. Though the homes presented here are now empty, The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé is a testament to a rare union of passion, elegance, and supreme connoisseurship. (from Amazon)