Announcing the 2 winners of The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent & Pierre Berge books
DMC- is the winner of the book with the opulent US cover. Congrats DMC.
My Notting Hill wins the UK version. Congrats.
Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments. Originally I purchased the 2 UK books- One for giving away to all you- great readers & followers, and One for keeping. As I looked through it and it is wonderfully filled with Ivan Terestchenko photographs of the YSL & Berge, I decided to get the US copy of the book too. As always- a bit conflicted by the two choices. I do find I prefer the French cover even more- I think it is the RED in the background.
So on to the French version- Ivan Terestchenko says the book will be released later in English with the French cover and added "As a record from an insider, I took this shot FOR the cover right from the beginning, Pierre Bergé who was asked to choose between several other options, selected it instantly " this one of course" he said, so did Peter Saville who designed the cover and the book. By the way, there is also a German edition (the prestigious Rolf Heyne Collection ) who chose to keep this picture but , unnecessarily I think, darkened the red background.
I will be saving a RED YSL copy for my readers.

Winners contact me with your addresses-check my profile for my email.