it is serious...in my little town-so, Don't Be A Pig.
On the weekend of June 13, you ordered a pig to cook for your birthday celebration. You needed a grill to cook the pig on. My husband was nice enough to let you borrow his BBQ grill.
He also got two tanks of gas filled. You paid for one of them and he let you take the other one in case you needed it. He did not charge you anything to use the grill. He did expect you to be honest and return his grill before now.
He worked hard to make that grill and has enjoyed using it many times. It has also been used by a lot of other folks. They have always been good to return it within a couple of days.
It has been almost two weeks and you have not returned it or even called That does not show that you even appreciated him letting you use the grill.
Would you like for somebody to do you this way? He tried to be nice and help you out. We need the grill back to cook some BBQ for ourselves. Please, please return our BBQ grill and gas tanks.
You know what you have done and the Lord knows, too. Please return the grill as soon as possible."
high on the hog or hog heaven

ogden nash

"Why, this fellow don't know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday."
harry Truman

alfred hitchcock
brando in pig skin
brando in pig skin

"I have eyes like those of a dead pig."
marlon brando

a wonderful blog entry here Eating High of the Hog.
DON'T BUY a Pig in a Poke!
travel the BBQ TRAIN here on Southern Roads with Sandy Lang Garden and Gun- HOG HIGHWAY

God is great God is good. Good God, please protect the pig.