When I arrived back from India there was the most gorgeous package waiting for me in the post. Australian artist and illustrator, Maryanne Oliver, had sent me mounted prints of her girls onto hand-made paper. What a beautiful, generous wonderful gift. Maryanne, inspired me with her art, the way she creates little scenes of daily life and beautiful women with watercolour, some of them remind me of the girls I have photographed at the Moulin Rouge. What a wonderful talent! I wanted to share with you Maryanne's fabulous work. I am always inspired by other creatives you managed to survive and flourish with their art. Maryanne kindly shared with me her insights, inspirations and advice to others. She will be the first in a series that I hope to continue to bring you once a weekm stories of inspiring artists. See more of Maryanne's work check out http://www.maryanneoliver.carbonmade.com/ and www.myspace.com/maryanneoliver
Carla x
How long have you been illustrating and painting?
As far back as I can remember, when I was 5 I had an operation on my eyes and was without sight for a couple of weeks. In those weeks for some reason I found alot of comfort in drawing even though I could not see what I was doing! My art has always been my greatest comfort through the good and bad.
Do you work as a commercial illustrator or is it a passion? How did you get started?
I was very lucky as art was very much part of my life from early childhood and my parents have always been such a great support of my dream. When I finished school I was doing sign writing for a few years and although it was creative my heart was just not it in so I set out to start selling my paintings. My dad helped me get some of my paintings framed and then I began networking cafes and the old hotels in the small country town I was living in, and finally found some places to hang my work. The paintings slowly started selling and I began building my profile as an artist. I remember when I was in my early 20s, a gallery had seen my work and contacted me about coming in to meet them, I anxiously went in with one of my paintings and as soon as they saw me they turned me away as was too young! I was devasted and I remember walking outside with such a heavy heart. I was standing there outside the gallery feeling low when I looked up, and there was this old Queensland Hotel standing on a lean, I felt drawn to this beautiful old character and I thought to myself "I have nothing to lose" and walked across the road and in to the pub and introduced myself and my painting to the owner... not only did she say she would love to hang my work, she bought the painting I had with me right there and then! That story really sums it up with art...It was ten years before I was represented by a gallery, however the wonderful journey to that point was well worth it!
Who are some of your favourite illustrators/artists?
Australian artist/illustrator Norman Lindsay is my absolute favourite. From illustrating childrens books like Magic Pudding to painting beautiful and mystical nudes. I admire how brave he was with his works despite the controversy it caused for its time. I actually bought one of his etchings a couple of years ago and she is the first thing I wake to every day and I just love the way this piece makes me feel. I also had a love affair with "Picasso and his collection" exhibition which was on show here in Brisbane last year at GOMA. It truly is an amazing feeling to walk in to a room filled with the paintings that were part of such an amazing mans life, and creates so many questions as you come across each piece as to how it came in to his life and what he loved about it. Such a very personal experience.
What inspires you?
My mind never stops! I feel like I cannot keep up with the ideas sometimes...I am inspired everyday by people and places. I take a small sketchbook with me where ever I go so I can jot down my thoughts or sketches. I love old buildings, cinemas and bookshops! Everytime I go to a bookshop I always leave feeling so inspired!
On your Myspace I saw some illustrations on T-shirts. Do you collaborate with designers or do you have your own range of illustrated clothing?
I used to design clothes and had my own independant label however had to put that on hold the last few years due to my workload. I would make the shirts from scratch and then paint the designs on from there, these shirts were really popular however alot of work so I ended up getting some printed but was not too happy with the outcome. I would love to one day collaborate with designers and launch the illustrations on shirts etc, I think that would be fabulous!
Describe a typical day on the job. (Or if every day is different - your ideal day on the job!)
The ideal day is more of an ideal night... I am a night owl and usually start painting at around 10pm and can end up working until all hours of the early morning. There is something so still and peaceful about working at night, this is the time where my thoughs are brought to life on paper or canvas.
Do you have a favourite type of pencil, brush, ink, colour?
Watercolours are heaven. To me, painting with watercolour is like floating in the clouds, so free and soft and with colours that flow in to one another so beautifully, just bliss!
You live in Brisbane. What's your favourite thing about the city? I love my little city, she is just beautiful all year round. There are so many hidden treasures yet to be found which makes each adventure out in her playground so much more exciting. I love walking over to the city after work on Friday nights with my boyfriend and we always go to the bookshops and have coffee and cake and watch the latin dancing out in the mall. It's a buzz! I also love my "thinking spot" which is down by the river at South Bank where the Queensland Art Gallery is located. This area has always been one of my favourites combining my love of art and a place where I find it very peaceful, to laze in the sun by the river and collect my thoughts.
You live in Brisbane. What's your favourite thing about the city? I love my little city, she is just beautiful all year round. There are so many hidden treasures yet to be found which makes each adventure out in her playground so much more exciting. I love walking over to the city after work on Friday nights with my boyfriend and we always go to the bookshops and have coffee and cake and watch the latin dancing out in the mall. It's a buzz! I also love my "thinking spot" which is down by the river at South Bank where the Queensland Art Gallery is located. This area has always been one of my favourites combining my love of art and a place where I find it very peaceful, to laze in the sun by the river and collect my thoughts.
Finally, the images you sent me are heaven. A lot of the images are inspired by Paris and glamorous girls. Are they a part of series you are working on?
Will you be exhibiting them soon? I had 2 solo exhibitions last year here in Brisbane, one which was called "The Peep Show" and inspired by the our local burlesque performers here. I love painting women and playing my part in making sure glamour still has a heartbeat. I do not have any plans to exhibit in the near future, just to continue with the works I have on show now at the galleries and networking to hopefully exhibit my work overseas, maybe illustrate a book and am also looking in to limited edition prints (just a few small goals there hehe). How funny, reading this question makes me realise how much of a fantasy world I live in! I have quite a following in France on my Myspace and Facebook pages and I am constantly inspired by its old world beauty and glamour, however I have not yet visited! I can only imagine what inspiration that will come when I finally do visit, so until then I will continue with my fantasy... I guess that is one of the most beautiful things about art, you can create any little world you want to.
Do you have any advice for someone who is considering making a career as an artist?
Make some effort and be a little old fashioned when networking to gain exposure, such as go in to galleries/shops and introduce yourself and your work rather than just sending off an e-mail with your portfolio. Never be afraid of criticism or being told "no" - you will always remember the people who love your work and the ones who don't will fade in to the background. Art is like music, some people will just love what you do and others won't be fussed and that is actually what art is about - freedom of choice. I also like to see the set backs as adding fuel to my fire. A good way to toughen up is to go and stand next to one of your works while it is on display and listen to peoples reactions, some will not even look twice or voice their dislike however for the ones who love and praise it you may just have made their day and that will warm your heart. The world is a better place by having as many artists share their work with it, so don't be afraid to share your talent. Being an artist is not a competition either as some artists can get nasty with each other, we each run our own race.