Thomas Carlyle

...the gentleman weighs in. I am tickled to say the least to have an esteemed group of friends sharing their Summer Book Reads. today ARCHITECT DESIGN: prolific, entertaining, astute- and He tells it like it is!
Versailles, a biography of a palace Tony Spawforth
Life in the French country house Mark Girouard
Mlinaric on Decorating Mirabel Cecil & David Mlinaric ( I need to do more than just look at the pretty pictures on this one!)
Ashcombe, the story of a 15 yr lease Cecil Beaton
The way we lived then Dominick Dunne
Last of the Dandies The Scandalous Life and Escapades of Count D'Orsay: Nick Foulkes
Rupert Everett autobiography (something has to be fun and gossipy!)
Gosh! this looks great, especially the title Last of the Dandies and of course I know the Rupert Everett book will be a page turner. The Cecil Beaton Ashcombe book is on my list too. I would love to read the Dandies book and the Rubert Everett book. And therein lies a trend with all the esteemed that we talked with- Too many: books and the list keeps growing.
Is there one book you honestly don’t expect to get to? Why?
"Probably the books I buy this summer, I like to read things in order. It’s an addiction, I have piles all over my apartment of unread books!"
Architect Design A Foyer with Books & more Books
Where do you read and When? Does the genre you are reading dictate the place you read- in other words, Do you take just any old book to bed?
"I typically read magazines (vanity fair, vogue, house beautiful) on the bus ride to work –except for World of Interiors which I save and are sacred –they get read in bed so they don’t get torn or bent!
the Stacks-Architect Design
What does your nightstand look like? or your side of the bed, floor,chair!
"piles of books –is this my home or a bookstore?"
AD's nightstand- serving up books
Architect Design, another Dandy spot for Books
"Rebecca! Or Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy -"
I love Rebecca! too-Daphne du Maurier. Not to mention the classic movie with Olivier and de Haviland- Rebecca!
What is your Favorite Genre?
"I love design books and historical biographies of eccentric characters. Ever since childhood I’ve also read the biographies of old time movie stars –my grandma got me started on that and I have a large collection of them from her. Still working my way through them!"
Book covers can be Art- Do you have a favorite cover in your stacks?
"I LOVE the Michael S. Smith elements of style cover, one of my all-time favorites. Also love the Tony Duquette book cover and the new Vogue Living for it’s elegance –they’re all prominently displayed and constantly referred to. You can judge a book by its cover!!
I’ve recently discovered my public library –which is really fabulous. It saves me much money and space! I’ve been spending a lot of time there in the past year, surprisingly.
ARCHITECT DESIGN tells me the new Jaime Drake book is wonderful. I've checked it out and I agree-it's full of glamour, color, luxury and bursting with creative design energy. Drake's NEW AMERICAN GLAMOUR is Yours- Tell Architect Design and Me what you are reading this Summer. We want to know. Are You delving into biographies, a design tome, OR a juicey tell all?
DO Tell.