I was in Florence recently to shoot the above story for a fashion magazine. We had the most wonderful model from New Zealand, make-up artist Paolo Baroncelli and fashion art director Marta Innocenti Ciulli. Our story was inspired by Rachael, the fabulous replicante who falls in love with Harrison Ford in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. Of course our model was real, not a human copy!
Last night I re-watched Blade Runner for the umteenth time this film masterpiece with its magical city, wonderful lighting, great decors and styling and fab story. I would love to have shot in one of those smoky rooms with the fan whirring or in JF's amazing apartment but walking the streets with our lovely model with her blue lips was a lot of fun, it caused a stir among the Florentines. We were a motley crue, like a scene from the pied-piper searching for locations with a long string of willing 'Florentine assistants'. As always, a wonderful day in Florence with inspiring colleagues!
Let me know if you think our girl reminds you of Rachael?